Elan Cumberland’s photographs capture the magical moment that a discarded object metamorphous into art.
Finding the art hidden in a discarded object is Elan’s talent. A metal detector, shovel, sandpaper, polishing cloth and a camera are his tools. His good eye, his steady hand and his trememdous patience guide the placement of each refurbished object into an intriguing arrangement that he then highlights with vibrant reflective lighting.
Elan works out of his studio in the Northland amid a treasure trove of ‘finds’ from his daily excavating hunts around the Kansas City area. Antique bottles, old toy cars, vintage marbles and of course, an eclectic array of interesting brass items fill display cases, cuboards and old lockers in his workshop.
Elan’s creative artwork evolved from his enjoyment of metal detecting and his desire to share his unearthed treasres with others. He developed and refined each step of his process – finding, cleaning, polishing, arranging, lighting and photographig – over years of trial and error. He is passionate about presenting each of his creations in their best light.